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Recent progress in geometric computer vision has shown significant advances in reconstruction and novel view rendering from multiple views by capturing the scene as a neural radiance field. Such approaches have changed the paradigm of reconstruction but need a plethora of views and do not make use of object shape priors. On the other hand, deep learning has shown how to use priors in order to infer shape from single images. Such approaches, though, require that the object is reconstructed in a canonical pose or assume that object pose is known during training. In this paper, we address the problem of how to compute equivariant priors for reconstruction from a few images, given the relative poses of the cameras. Our proposed reconstruction is $SE(3)$-gauge equivariant, meaning that it is equivariant to the choice of world frame. To achieve this, we make two novel contributions to light field processing: we define light field convolution and we show how it can be approximated by intra-view $SE(2)$ convolutions because the original light field convolution is computationally and memory-wise intractable; we design a map from the light field to $\mathbb{R}^3$ that is equivariant to the transformation of the world frame and to the rotation of the views. We demonstrate equivariance by obtaining robust results in roto-translated datasets without performing transformation augmentation.
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This work explores an efficient approach to establish a foundational video-text model for tasks including open-vocabulary video classification, text-to-video retrieval, video captioning and video question-answering. We present VideoCoCa that reuses a pretrained image-text contrastive captioner (CoCa) model and adapt it to video-text tasks with minimal extra training. While previous works adapt image-text models with various cross-frame fusion modules (for example, cross-frame attention layer or perceiver resampler) and finetune the modified architecture on video-text data, we surprisingly find that the generative attentional pooling and contrastive attentional pooling layers in the image-text CoCa design are instantly adaptable to ``flattened frame embeddings'', yielding a strong zero-shot transfer baseline for many video-text tasks. Specifically, the frozen image encoder of a pretrained image-text CoCa takes each video frame as inputs and generates \(N\) token embeddings per frame for totally \(T\) video frames. We flatten \(N \times T\) token embeddings as a long sequence of frozen video representation and apply CoCa's generative attentional pooling and contrastive attentional pooling on top. All model weights including pooling layers are directly loaded from an image-text CoCa pretrained model. Without any video or video-text data, VideoCoCa's zero-shot transfer baseline already achieves state-of-the-art results on zero-shot video classification on Kinetics 400/600/700, UCF101, HMDB51, and Charades, as well as zero-shot text-to-video retrieval on MSR-VTT and ActivityNet Captions. We also explore lightweight finetuning on top of VideoCoCa, and achieve strong results on video question-answering (iVQA, MSRVTT-QA, MSVD-QA) and video captioning (MSR-VTT, ActivityNet, Youcook2). Our approach establishes a simple and effective video-text baseline for future research.
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Downsampling and feature extraction are essential procedures for 3D point cloud understanding. Existing methods are limited by the inconsistent point densities of different parts in the point cloud. In this work, we analyze the limitation of the downsampling stage and propose the pre-abstraction group-wise window-normalization module. In particular, the window-normalization method is leveraged to unify the point densities in different parts. Furthermore, the group-wise strategy is proposed to obtain multi-type features, including texture and spatial information. We also propose the pre-abstraction module to balance local and global features. Extensive experiments show that our module performs better on several tasks. In segmentation tasks on S3DIS (Area 5), the proposed module performs better on small object recognition, and the results have more precise boundaries than others. The recognition of the sofa and the column is improved from 69.2% to 84.4% and from 42.7% to 48.7%, respectively. The benchmarks are improved from 71.7%/77.6%/91.9% (mIoU/mAcc/OA) to 72.2%/78.2%/91.4%. The accuracies of 6-fold cross-validation on S3DIS are 77.6%/85.8%/91.7%. It outperforms the best model PointNeXt-XL (74.9%/83.0%/90.3%) by 2.7% on mIoU and achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code and models are available at https://github.com/DBDXSS/Window-Normalization.git.
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Label Shift has been widely believed to be harmful to the generalization performance of machine learning models. Researchers have proposed many approaches to mitigate the impact of the label shift, e.g., balancing the training data. However, these methods often consider the underparametrized regime, where the sample size is much larger than the data dimension. The research under the overparametrized regime is very limited. To bridge this gap, we propose a new asymptotic analysis of the Fisher Linear Discriminant classifier for binary classification with label shift. Specifically, we prove that there exists a phase transition phenomenon: Under certain overparametrized regime, the classifier trained using imbalanced data outperforms the counterpart with reduced balanced data. Moreover, we investigate the impact of regularization to the label shift: The aforementioned phase transition vanishes as the regularization becomes strong.
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Vision-language foundation models pretrained on large-scale data provide a powerful tool for many visual understanding tasks. Notably, many vision-language models build two encoders (visual and textual) that can map two modalities into the same embedding space. As a result, the learned representations achieve good zero-shot performance on tasks like image classification. However, when there are only a few examples per category, the potential of large vision-language models is often underperformed, mainly due to the gap between a large number of parameters and a relatively small amount of training data. This paper shows that we can significantly improve the performance of few-shot classification by using the category names to initialize the classification head. More interestingly, we can borrow the non-perfect category names, or even names from a foreign language, to improve the few-shot classification performance compared with random initialization. With the proposed category name initialization method, our model obtains the state-of-the-art performance on a number of few-shot image classification benchmarks (e.g., 87.37\% on ImageNet and 96.08\% on Stanford Cars, both using five-shot learning). We also investigate and analyze when the benefit of category names diminishes and how to use distillation to improve the performance of smaller models, providing guidance for future research.
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We present a strong object detector with encoder-decoder pretraining and finetuning. Our method, called Group DETR v2, is built upon a vision transformer encoder ViT-Huge~\cite{dosovitskiy2020image}, a DETR variant DINO~\cite{zhang2022dino}, and an efficient DETR training method Group DETR~\cite{chen2022group}. The training process consists of self-supervised pretraining and finetuning a ViT-Huge encoder on ImageNet-1K, pretraining the detector on Object365, and finally finetuning it on COCO. Group DETR v2 achieves $\textbf{64.5}$ mAP on COCO test-dev, and establishes a new SoTA on the COCO leaderboard https://paperswithcode.com/sota/object-detection-on-coco
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Deep learning (DL) methods have been widely applied to anomaly-based network intrusion detection system (NIDS) to detect malicious traffic. To expand the usage scenarios of DL-based methods, the federated learning (FL) framework allows multiple users to train a global model on the basis of respecting individual data privacy. However, it has not yet been systematically evaluated how robust FL-based NIDSs are against existing privacy attacks under existing defenses. To address this issue, we propose two privacy evaluation metrics designed for FL-based NIDSs, including (1) privacy score that evaluates the similarity between the original and recovered traffic features using reconstruction attacks, and (2) evasion rate against NIDSs using Generative Adversarial Network-based adversarial attack with the reconstructed benign traffic. We conduct experiments to show that existing defenses provide little protection that the corresponding adversarial traffic can even evade the SOTA NIDS Kitsune. To defend against such attacks and build a more robust FL-based NIDS, we further propose FedDef, a novel optimization-based input perturbation defense strategy with theoretical guarantee. It achieves both high utility by minimizing the gradient distance and strong privacy protection by maximizing the input distance. We experimentally evaluate four existing defenses on four datasets and show that our defense outperforms all the baselines in terms of privacy protection with up to 7 times higher privacy score, while maintaining model accuracy loss within 3% under optimal parameter combination.
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大脑计算机界面(BCI)提供了人脑和外部设备之间的直接通信途径。在新受试者可以使用BCI之前,通常需要进行校准程序。因为间和受试者内部的差异是如此之大,以至于由现有受试者训练的模型在新受试者方面的表现不佳。因此,有效的主题转移和校准方法至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种半监督的元学习(SSML)方法,用于BCIS的主题转移学习。拟议的SSML首先学习了具有现有受试者的元模型,然后以半监督的学习方式对模型进行微调,即使用很少的标记和许多未标记的目标对象样本进行校准。对于标记数据稀缺或昂贵的同时,无标记数据的BCI应用程序非常重要。为了验证SSML方法,测试了三种不同的BCI范例:1)与事件相关的潜在检测; 2)情绪识别; 3)睡眠舞台。 SSML在前两个范式上取得了显着提高15%,而第三个范式则达到4.9%。实验结果证明了SSML方法在BCI应用中的有效性和潜力。
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